Localice el historial de servicio de su vehículo perdido

No permita que la falta del historial de servicio reduzca el valor de reventa de su automóvil. Recupere registros esenciales y aumente potencialmente el valor de su vehículo hasta en un 22 %. Ingrese su matrícula y permítanos ayudarlo a mantener el valor de su automóvil.

El VIN de su vehículo

Ford Car


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Paso 1: Ingrese su VIN

Comience ingresando el número de VIN de su vehículo. Luego haga clic en "Verificar ahora". Esto nos ayudará a encontrar el historial de servicio vinculado a su vehículo.

Paso 2: Complete su pago

Proceda a realizar el pago con nuestro sistema de pago seguro. Seleccione la opción de pago rápido por $6.99 adicionales para obtener su historial de servicio más rápido.

Paso 3: Recupere su historial de servicio

Después de completar el pago, podrás acceder y descargar el informe del historial de servicio de tu vehículo tan pronto como esté listo. También te enviaremos un correo electrónico de confirmación con un enlace para que puedas ver tu informe cómodamente cuando lo necesites.


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Por qué encontrar el historial de su vehículo perdido es crucial en the United States:

Evite perder valor en su vehículo al asegurarse de tener un historial de servicio completo. La falta de registros puede reducir significativamente el precio de reventa de su vehículo. Especialidad en the United States

Confirme el historial de mantenimiento de su vehículo para evitar sorpresas. Conocer el historial de servicio completo le ayudará a anticiparse a posibles problemas mecánicos.

Un historial de servicio completo puede demostrar que su automóvil ha sido bien cuidado, haciéndolo más atractivo para los compradores y mejorando su atractivo en el mercado.

Protéjase de costos de reparación inesperados verificando que todo el mantenimiento recomendado se haya completado a tiempo.

Gane confianza y tranquilidad sabiendo que el historial de su automóvil es completo y transparente, lo que le ayudará a tomar decisiones informadas sobre su vehículo.

Find my car history report image

Preguntas frecuentes

Estas son algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes

What is FindMyCarHistory.com?

FindMyCarHistory.com helps you retrieve missing service records for your vehicle, adding value whether you’re selling or keeping it. By entering your vehicle's plate and region (e.g., New York), we begin a targeted search in-state to speed up the process. If needed, we can also track service records from out-of-state garages or dealerships.

How does FindMyCarHistory.com work?

Enter your vehicle's license plate and select your state to begin. Our system scans our extensive database for existing service records. If no records are found, we contact in-state garages or dealerships that may have performed maintenance. For vehicles with multi-state histories, we expand the search to include out-of-state records.

Is it difficult to find my car’s service history?

Not at all! Our process begins with a targeted search in your state. If service records are missing, we broaden our investigation to include out-of-state garages or service providers, ensuring a thorough search. Our goal is to make retrieving your vehicle's history as simple and efficient as possible.

How much does the service cost?

Our standard service costs $19.99. For those who need results quickly, our fast-track service is available for an additional $6.99, giving your request priority. If you want the highest level of assistance, our premium service ($199.99) includes a dedicated case manager who oversees every step of the investigation.

How much value does a full service history add to my vehicle?

A full service history can increase your vehicle's value by up to 25%. It demonstrates that your car has been well-maintained, giving buyers confidence and helping you secure a higher sale price. Without a full history, buyers may negotiate a lower price or view the vehicle as less reliable.

How long does it take to find the service history of my car?

We aim to provide instant results when possible. If the information isn't in our database, a full investigation is launched, typically taking up to 14 business days. We start by contacting in-state service providers, then expand to out-of-state garages or dealerships if necessary.

Can you find service records for vehicles that have moved between states?

Yes, we can! Our system starts by searching your vehicle's current state for faster results. If needed, we track out-of-state movements and contact garages or dealerships where the vehicle was serviced previously.

What if I have some of my service history already?

If you have part of your service history, you can upload it to your FindMyCarHistory.com account. This allows us to focus on locating missing records, making the process quicker and more efficient. We’ll provide a complete and downloadable service history once the search is complete.

Why is a full service history important?

A full service history shows that your car has been maintained regularly, which increases its resale value and appeal. Without a full history, buyers may suspect neglect or hidden issues, making the vehicle harder to sell at a good price.

What is Full Dealer Service History?

Full Dealer Service History (FDSH) means all services have been performed by authorized dealerships. This ensures high-quality maintenance and makes your vehicle more appealing to buyers.

What is Full Service History?

Full Service History (FSH) includes records of all recommended maintenance and repairs performed by authorized or reputable service providers. It gives buyers confidence and ensures the car has been cared for properly.

What is Part Service History?

Part Service History (PSH) means that some maintenance records are missing. While it shows some level of care, incomplete records can reduce buyer confidence and affect the resale value.

What does No Service History mean?

No Service History means no records of maintenance are available. This doesn't necessarily mean the car was neglected, but it may raise concerns for buyers, potentially lowering the vehicle's resale value.

What is an Interim Service?

An interim service is a routine maintenance check designed to keep your car running smoothly between major services. It typically includes oil changes, fluid top-ups, and safety checks.

How do I start the process?

To start, enter your vehicle’s license plate and state (e.g., California) on FindMyCarHistory.com. We will begin by searching in-state records, and if needed, expand to out-of-state service providers to locate your vehicle's missing history.